Marketing Conference Agenda


May 20, 2021

All times are in the New York timezone.
Day 3

12noon – 12:10pm

Day 3 Kickoff

ManageCamp CEO Len Herstein kicks off Day 3 of Brand ManageCamp 2021.

12:10pm – 1:00pm

Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Woke-Washed Marketing

We live in an age of “woke” marketing, where brands signal support for social issues. From feminism, to LGBTQ equality, racial justice to the environment, organizations are under pressure to win the trust of skeptical buyers, break through the noise and engage them through shared values.

In fact, a majority (64%) of buyers believe brands can be a powerful force for change (Edelman.)  

But, if efforts are just virtue-signaling, empowered consumers will expose brands for pandering and co-opting social movements. When authentic, leading brands are taking advantage of an opportunity to build loyal customers while driving social impact. 

What are the risks of woke-washed marketing? Where is the opportunity? This is a new era as marketing and social movements are colliding in real-time. And, we need new rules of engagement.

Join this session by “unapologetic marketing truth-teller” Katie Martell based on her forthcoming documentary and book. You’ll learn:

  • The difference between meaningful brand support and pandering (with examples).
  • The seven risks of performative brand allyship.
  • How to navigate an age of accountability amid cancel culture / hashtag activism


1:00pm – 1:10pm



1:10pm – 1:50pm

Len Herstein

Be Vigilant! Strategies to Stop Complacency, Improved Performance, and Safeguard Success

In the police academy, Len Herstein and his classmates would dissect videos of calls that had started out routine but turned very deadly, very quickly. They discussed what went wrong. The lessons were clear and painfully obvious (with the benefit of hindsight and the safety of a classroom). And every student sat there and thought, “Not me. Never.”

You may have thought the same if you’ve read the case studies of Kmart, Blockbuster, Kodak, Borders, Sears, Circuit City, and other once-successful brands that ultimately failed. In hindsight, the failures were so avoidable that you might get angry. How could they have been so blind? How could those companies have fallen so far, so fast?

Complacency kills.

It’s true in law enforcement. And it’s no less true in business, in branding, and in life.

Overconfidence and success breed complacency. The irony is, the more success you’ve enjoyed, the more likely you are to become complacent.

In this session, marketer turned cop Len Herstein will teach us strategies, battle tested in arguable the most dangerous breeding ground of complacency, that will help us combat it and keep it at bay – allowing us to improve the performance of our brands, our teams, and our organizations.

We will learn:

  • From where complacency comes.
  • Why the opposite of complacency is vigilance, not paranoia.
  • Why our past success can be a big problem.
  • 3 specific strategies you can use right away on your brands, on your business, and in your life to win the fight against complacency for better results.


1:50pm – 2:00pm



2:00pm – 2:40pm

Amisha Gandhi

The Keys to a Successful Influencer Marketing Program

As the Vice President of Influencer Marketing at SAP, Amisha Gandhi led the charge at SAP for their global influencer marketing program that helped drive demand and create global marketing campaigns.

While only a small fraction of companies are currently implementing influencer marketing programs, over 50% of marketers say they plan on spending more money on influencer marketing in the near future.

But even with these growing budget commitments, most brands are still unsure of how to execute influencer marketing programs successfully.

Based on her experience at the forefront of an incredibly successful influencer marketing program, Amisha will share strategies and best practices that can unlock influencer success for any brand.

During this important session, Amisha will:

  • Define influencer marketing, making the distinction between a brand ambassador and an influencer, and explaining why popularity and influence are not the same thing.
  • Outline the opportunities that exist to scale quality content with influencers.
  • Convey why influencer marketing can be impactful for both B2B and B2C brands.
  • Show how SAP was able to scale influence and impact results.
  • Communicate what you need to avoid in planning and scaling influencer content.


2:40pm – 2:50pm



2:50pm – 3:20pm

Primal Branding - The Root Code for Building Authentic Brands

Why do many brands with great product innovation, perfect locations, terrific customer experiences, and breakthrough advertising fail to get the same traction in the marketplace as others?

The truth is that to win in today’s competitive landscape you must foster powerful emotional attachments with your customers. This isn’t a B2B thing or a B2C thing. It’s a human thing.

But how? That’s where Patrick Hanlon and Primal Branding come in. And we’re lucky to be able to close Brand ManageCamp virtual 2021 with this important topic.

Hanlon’s book Primal Branding is required reading at YouTube. In it, he defines a systematic new approach dedicated to building communities around authentic brands.

Hanlon looks at brands as belief systems. Once you create a belief system, you attract others who share your beliefs – this is the backbone of your brand community and your P/L. They not only buy you, they “buy into you.”

His systematic construct revolves around seven components – known as the primal code – that translate into a razor-sharp brand platform that differentiates you from your competition while creating the right environment for your audiences to opt-in to your culture and conversation – perfect for today’s social, digital, and traditional media mix.

In this dynamic close to Brand ManageCamp 2021, Hanlon will:

  • Introduce the components of the primal code.
  • Show us how to use and combine them to create a community of believers who are emotionally attached to the brand.
  • Teach us how to move our brands from being just another product or service to being a desired and necessary part of culture.


3:20pm – 3:30pm

Brand ManageCamp 2021 Close

ManageCamp CEO Len Herstein recaps and closes Brand ManageCamp 2021.

Sorry you missed Brand ManageCamp 2021!

We are currently working on our plan for 2022.
In the meantime, check out the website to see what you missed.
And be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to know about BMC2022!

