Marketing Conference Agenda


May 18, 2021

All times are in the New York timezone.
Day 1

12:00noon – 12:10pm

Day 1 Kickoff

ManageCamp CEO Len Herstein kicks off Brand ManageCamp 2021!

12:10pm – 12:45pm

Close THEN Convince: How to Market in the Digital Age

The tide has turned: digital self-serve and remote representative interactions are likely to be the dominant elements of the go-to-market model going forward, when selling to customers of all sizes. 

Over 90% of B2B decision makers expect the remote and digital model to stick around for the long run, and 3 in 4 believe the new model is as effective or more so than before COVID-19 (for both existing customers and prospects). 

Close first, and convince later. This is how you lower cost per acquisition and cut your sales cycle in half. After seeing this dynamic open to Brand ManageCamp 2021, you will never sell the same way again!

Through this session, you will:

      Recognize how digital signals allow you to attract the right new customers.

      Understand the key mistakes businesses make in marketing in today’s world – and how to avoid them.

      Learn 5 specific strategies to help you grow your brand’s digital footprint.

      Uncover the secret for retaining clients in today’s noisy environment.


12:45pm – 12:55pm



12:55pm – 1:35pm

How a Remarkable Customer Experience Can Be Your Best Sales and Marketing Strategy

Let’s face it: Competition is tougher than ever these days. Competing on price is a loser’s game — just ask the two gas stations across the street from each other. And competing on product is getting harder and harder as almost everything is copyable — just ask your favorite ride-share company. So what’s left? How can we stand out in a crowded marketplace that is constantly evolving?

In this fun and engaging presentation, customer experience coach and former Fortune 500 executive Dan Gingiss will teach us how customer experience can be a company’s ultimate differentiator, creating a competitive advantage that cannot be copied. Your business CAN compete on customer experience. When you create a remarkable experience for your customers, they become your best marketers and salespeople. The result is more customers, who stay longer, spend more, and recommend your company to others.

During this session, you will:

  • Learn how to identify the types of experiences people share most often.
  • Understand how to apply an easy, 5-step framework for creating remarkable, shareable experiences.
  • See how customer engagement generates increased loyalty.
  • Leverage examples from many companies across industries that have been successful with these simple, practical, and inexpensive ideas.


1:35pm – 1:45pm



1:45pm – 2:25pm

What Your Customer Wants (And Can't Tell You)

What if you knew how the brain made decisions? What if you could tap into those hidden choices in the customer’s subconscious mind to know exactly what would encourage them to choose your company and its offerings? Humans are illogical beings who make irrational choices, but their behavior is very predictable when you understand the brain.

The landscape is changing – behavioral economics is being implemented in companies around the world in great succession since Richard Thaler won the Nobel prize in 2017. That means companies of all sizes must change as well. And the best thing is, the change will result in a benefit for customers and employees. This fun and engaging presentation will explain what behavioral economics is, how brain science is being incorporated into everything from hospitals to household products, and how attendees can start applying their learnings in their work immediately.

Key Takeaways:

  • How the brain actually works (and why knowing that is necessary for good business)
  • An understanding of this change facing the business world
  • Why behavioral economics is important for them and their career
  • How to begin applying using Melina’s “Behavioral Baking” framework


2:25pm – 2:35pm



2:35pm – 3:15pm

Stephen Denny

Unfiltered Marketing: 5 Rules to Win Back Trust, Credibility, and Customers in a Digitally Distracted World

Technology has emerged as the single most profound cultural driver in the world today, impacting every facet of our waking lives. When we study the impact of technology on culture, many limit their attention to marketing technology stacks. But it’s not the technology that matters the most here. It’s the human side of the equation – how technologically-immersed individuals and their behaviors have shifted, changing how we define credibility, authenticity, and brand value alignment.

Drawing upon four years of global research from the Culture & Technology Intersection Study – as well as his newly published book, Unfiltered Marketing, Stephen Denny will show us how modern leaders need to look at the brand-consumer relationship, leadership, and culture.

Key takeaways:

  • How customer – and employee – expectations have irrevocably shifted in this age of technological immersion.
  • What the shift to “raw” means for brands seeking to build (or re-build) trust.
  • How brand values alignment can succeed – or fail – in a social media-driven world.
  • Why “seeking control” has become such an important hot button for customers – and what brands need to do about it.


3:15pm – 3:20pm

Day 1 Close

Sorry you missed Brand ManageCamp 2021!

We are currently working on our plan for 2022.
In the meantime, check out the website to see what you missed.
And be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to know about BMC2022!

