15 Brand Minutes With…Jay Acunzo (Brand ManageCamp Vlog #15)


Welcome to episode #15 of the Brand ManageCamp Vlog – “15 Brand Minutes With…”!

In this edition, Jay Acunzo (host of the “Unthinkable” podcast, Creative-In-Residence at NextView Ventures, and Brand ManageCamp 2017 speaker) gives marketers a great deal to think about, including:

  • How Merriam-Webster Dictionary wins at Twitter (7,000% growth on press mentions!) by being “wonderfully witty”, timely, and funny. And they do it by being more of who they really are – overtly and publicly. As Jay says, noise is not the problem – sameness is.
  • How Death Wish Coffee (“The World’s Strongest Coffee”) came back from the dead by finding their right to win and obsessively focusing on it. By observing and understanding that their customers want coffee for its function and not its lifestyle implications, Death Wish was able to deliver in a way that connected and created rabid fans. Creativity doesn’t have to be big – it can be simple, small, and attainable. It is also a lesson on how, if you focus on the RIGHT space, your perceived weaknesses become your greatest strengths.
  • Why MailChimp succeeds by being willing to do what most brands won’t – mess around with their own name.
  • How Jay manages his internal knowledge base with a new tool called Tettra.co – a wiki software that connects beautifully with Slack.
  • Why a book of  Calvin & Hobbes comics is the perfect way to inspire you to think big things and get out of your box.
  • And more!

All this takes place in about 15 minutes, so it is perfect for the busy marketer (or just anybody with a short attention span :).

I hope you enjoy this episode of “15 Brand Minutes With…”  More coming your way soon!

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