BMC Cartoon #5 – It Worked For Lady Gaga!

When most marketers think of Lady Gaga, images of meat dresses and egg hatchings come to mind (in addition, of course, to over-the-top performances and catchy tunes).  And the temptation is to think that it is the gimmicks that create the crazy-loyal fans.  What social media manager doesn’t envy her 36 millionTwitter followers and 56 million Facebook fans?

The reality, though, as Brand ManageCamp 2013 speaker and author of “Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers Into Fanatics” has discovered, is that Lady Gaga’s success is no gimmick – and there are lots of lessons we can learn and apply to our own brands.

In Jackie’s meaty session (pun intended – sorry) at the Brand ManageCamp 2013conference in Las Vegas this September she will unpack the method behind Lady Gaga’s success and isolate the seven strategies brands can apply to drive Monster Loyalty in their own businesses.

I hope you got a chuckle out of the cartoon.  It would be nice if building loyalty was that easy!  If you did, please pass it along!  Also, I hope you’ll consider liking it onFacebook.  You can also follow us on Twitter and join our group on LinkedIn.

Of course, if you want to see Jackie in person (as well as 13 other amazing speakers) you can join us at Brand ManageCamp 2013 – Sept 16-17 in Las Vegas.  We’ve got a couple of amazing early bird promotions you won’t want to miss out on.  On the website, in addition to the agenda and speaker info, is a highlight video from 2012 as well as hundreds of testimonials singing BMC’s praises from folks just like you.

I really hope that this cartoon lightened your day at least a little bit.  We are having fun with these!

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