BMC Cartoon #3 – Real Time Marketing 2.0

Perhaps one day we will be able to accurately predict the future.  Until then, though, our best option is what BMC2013 speaker David Meerman Scott calls Real Time Marketing & PR.  In fact, he wrote the book on it. 

At this point, most marketers are familiar with the concept – connecting and engaging with your customers in real time.  However, knowing what it is and being able to do it consistently well are two completely different things.  It involves developing a business culture that encourages speed over sloth, organizing to enable and encourage acting and reacting flexibly as events occur, and embracing and employing the right technologies to help make it all happen.  Unfortunately, there are still lots of brands making big mistakes in this arena.

At the Brand ManageCamp 2013 conference in Las Vegas this September, David will walk us through the proven, practical steps he has developed to help us take our businesses successfully into the real-time era.  We’ve been fans of David for a long time and are super excited that he will be joining us again this year.  He always shows up with tons of amazing examples and case studies from around the world and his energy and passion ensures his sessions are always informative, actionable, entertaining, and engaging.

If you like this cartoon, please pass it along!  Also, let us know you like it by, well, liking it on Facebook.  You can also follow us on Twitter and join our group on LinkedIn.

Of course, if you want to see David in person (as well as 13 other amazing speakers) you can join us at Brand ManageCamp 2013 – Sept 16-17 in Las Vegas.  We’ve got a couple of amazing early bird promotions you won’t want to miss out on.  On the website, in addition to the agenda and speaker info, is a highlight video from 2012 as well as hundreds of testimonials singing BMC’s praises from folks just like you.

I hope you enjoyed the cartoon!

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