BMC Cartoon #13: Passion Ignites.


If you are like most brand managers, you are constantly being asked to better connect with your customers and/or consumers; to get these customers/consumers to become loyal fans, to spread your content for you, to evangelize on your behalf.  Why, leadership wants to know, didn’t your ‘viral’ video go viral????  Why aren’t our customers more passionate about your brand????

Here’s the thing about passion, though.  It doesn’t just come about spontaneously.  You can’t make people have it.  In fact, the best way to encourage folks to be passionate about your brand is to show them, FIRST, that your brand is passionate about them.  You see, as it turns out, passion begets passion.  Or, as the cartoon states, Passion Ignites.  If you can’t be passionate about your customers/consumers, how can you expect them to be passionate about you?

Lucky for us, BMC2013 speaker Robbin Phillips is an expert on brand passion and leveraging it to drive meaningful and productive relationships with your constituency.  She’s even written a book on it called “The Passion Conversation.”  I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that Robbin will be sharing her wisdom and energy with us in September, explaining the three passion buckets that fuel relationships so that we can best leverage them on our own brands.

Don’t miss Robbin Phillips and 13 other amazing speakers at Brand ManageCamp 2013, Sept 16-17 in Las Vegas.  Register by August 31st to save $100.

Special thanks to Hugh MacLeod at for the cartoon.  If you like it, please pass it along!  Also, I hope you’ll consider liking it on Facebook.  You can also follow us on Twitter and join our group on LinkedIn.

I hope we get to see you in Las Vegas!

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