So, you’ve never been to a Brand ManageCamp conference? That means that you’ve missed 17 of them! This video is to help make sure we don’t make it 18 in a row!
People who do come to Brand ManageCamp are usually very happy they did. We have hundreds and hundreds of heartfelt testimonials to prove it! In fact, year after year, over 97% of our attendees say they would recommend it to a colleague.
In this video, I will give you the top 5 reasons past attendees think Brand ManageCamp was better than any other brand marketing conference they have ever attended.
In one of the reasons, I disclose a dirty little conference organizer secret nobody else wants you to know!
If it turns out Brand ManageCamp sounds like it is for you, then I hope you will check out our amazing list of speakers and topics.
The agenda is designed around a 360° view of the hottest topics on brand marketing and each session is crafted to deliver actionable insights, tools, and techniques that you can put to use right away.
Speakers include some of the best and brightest minds in branding today, like Jay Baer, Michael Brenner, Brant Pinvidic, Marcus Sheridan, Carla Johnson, Mitch Joel, Shep Hyken, Todd Henry, Jessica Best, Joe Pulizzi, David Meerman Scott, and more.
And, don’t forget, you can save $800 off the full conference price if you register by March 31st!
I truly hope we get to see you at the 18th annual Brand ManageCamp conference this September!
All the best,
Len Herstein
Founder & CEO
ManageCamp Inc.
len ‘at’ managecamp ‘dot’ com